I’m taking another short hiatus from my social media. At least till next Friday.

Maybe it was all the news this week.

Maybe it’s just me getting a little excited to move out of Baton Rouge.

Either way, I’m going to try and see how this works out.

I’ve already watched more Japanese media today than usual.

I wanted to write this down while I’m thinking about it.

Oh WWOOFing.

You will be my early passage.

What I’ve been thinking about though…is what can “I” bring with me. And I’m not talking about physical objects or anything, but rather…what type of hobbies/skills/ideas can I share with the people I meet over there that are worth sharing?

I made a promise to myself that I would go to Japan for at least some extended period of time in 2013.

And I will.

And today, while making my way around my neighborhood during my morning walk I decided on another little goal I want to accomplish.

Mt. Fuji.

Or you know, some other awesome mountain in Japan.

I’m not picky.

But I will climb one of them before the end of 2014. That is my goal.

Let’s not fail, future Neil.








I want to write a little more about this later, but while in the moment, I thought I should write this out.



While it was super duper neato that I could understand about 80% of the things she was saying, I couldn’t quite get the words out to respond.

…at all.

And that’s embarrassing.

But the good kind of embarrassing.

The kind that makes me want to not sleep and instead practice speaking Japanese UNTIL I FORGET HOW TO SPEAK ENGLISH.


I’m never show how often to update this, because there are so many other places I’ve been putting my words.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Lang-8, and even on a daily video log.

It’s a weird thing.

I created this blog as a place for me to track my progress in learning Japanese.

I wonder sometimes if my lack of things to write in here is a result of me stagnating in my studies?

But I’m not sure.

I’m still studying everyday. Still reading native Japanese. Still watching Jdramas. Still writing entries on Lang-8 bi-weekly.

Maybe I’m not coming up with enough creative ways to study?

I think I’ll work something out to where I’m updating this blog two or three times throughout the week with NEW ways I’m studying Japanese.

Or you know, to talk about what I’ve found WORKS and what doesn’t.

That sounds like an idea.



Studying Japanese has become something of a habit for me.

And that’s something I’m proud of.

When I turn on my television, I don’t even think about watching something in Japanese OR English.

The only thing I CAN watch on my TV is Japanese. No cable.

Just the endless amount of Japanese Dramas, movies, and various anime that I’ve picked up over the years.

So it’s easy. EASY.

And that is where I need to get with my video games.

I still have wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to many options in English. But…but slowly this is changing.

Last week I purchased Ni no Kuni from Play-Asia. It has full Japanese support (text and voice) and it’s going to be the only option I give myself if I want to play it.

I switched my preferences in Steam to Japanese so now IF the game supports it, it’ll always display the game in Japanese.

I’m trying to sell my american 3DS XL so I can purchase a Japanese one instead.

So hey, I’m trying.



I’ve decided that with the new year, I’ll take on the Japanese language in a different way.

Starting with this blog.

Last year I all but abandoned this in favor of Lang-8, but I’ve decided to bring this back.

With Lang-8 I’ve changed my usual format to a bi-weekly schedule (Tues & Thurs) instead of the every-other-day-entries that I did over the last 7 months.

The intention was to use the extra time to focus on other aspects of learning Japanese, including studying more of the corrections I received.

So that’s the plan.

Hopefully this lets me refocus and approach the Japanese language in ways I haven’t in the past.

Did I seriously just buy tickets for a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu concert that’s taking place on the complete OTHER SIDE of the United States?

What.The. Actual. Hell. Neil.


Make for people like you. Make for future lovers. Make for people who don’t exist yet. Show people what they didn’t know was hot and sexy.

There are 7 billion people on Earth. Someone shares your interests. Make a beacon for them.

Best damn thing I’ve heard in a while.

This year has gone by so fast.

Overall it has been very good to me.

I know that each day that passes I’m one step closer to being in Japan.

…one step closer to being fluent in Japanese.

…one step closer to fulfilling the promises I made to myself over a year ago now.

And it’s nice. It’s nice to feel that way.

I feel like, despite a couple of things, I have a much better relationship with my parents that I ever had before. And my sister.

That’s a good feeling too.

Blessed? Is that what I’m trying to say?

This time NEXT year is going to be a very different thing.

I’ll be in a new town. Or…an old town, rather?

I’ll be living with my Grandparents instead of roommates. And the first time in years I’ve lived with out Jessica a room away? What an odd thing.

I’ll hopefully actually have TONS of money saved due to not having to pay rent. That in itself…will definitely be a change.

I’ll no longer be employed at store 495 like I’ve been for over 5 years. But…maybe still under the big blue box somewhere else?

What type of surprises with 2013 have in store for me?

Will I still be watching Jdramas everyday? Will I have started on reading my first Japanese novel? Will I know exactly when I’ll be leaving for Japan?

So many questions. So many things to be excited for.
